Ohio Lease-Appropriation Bond Programs

Issuer Overview

Ohio Lease-Appropriation Bond Programs

Issuer Type: State / Province



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The Ohio Treasurer issues special obligations to fund capital facilities for branches and agencies of State government, parks and recreation facilities, cultural and sports facilities and facilities for the treatment of mental health, drug addiction and developmental disabilities. Debt service on the special obligation debt is subject to biennial appropriations for “lease-rentals” by the Ohio General Assembly in the State’s operating budgets. Neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing powers of the State are pledged to the payment of principal or interest on those special obligations.

The Ohio Lease-Appropriation Program provides financing for the following programs:

Administrative Building Fund Program

These bonds provide financing for capital facilities to house branches and agencies of state government, including state office buildings.  The bonds were previously issued by the Ohio Building Authority under Chapter 152 of the Ohio Revised Code. Issuing authority transferred from the Ohio Building Authority to the Ohio Treasurer in January 2012. 

Ohio Constitution, Article VIII, Section 2i

Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 154

Link to Department of Administrative Services

Parks and Recreation Improvement Fund Program

These bonds are issued to pay costs of capital facilities for state parks and recreation. Issuing authority transferred from Ohio Public Facilities Commission to the Ohio Treasurer in September 2000.

Ohio Constitution, Article VIII, Section 2i

Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 154

Link to Department of Natural Resources

Cultural and Sports Facilities Building Fund Program

These bonds are issued to provide funds for the planning, construction, renovation and expansion projects at Ohio’s theaters, museums, historical sites and publicly owned professional sport venues.

Ohio Constitution, Article VIII, Section 2i

Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 154

Link to Facilities Construction Commission

Mental Health Facilities Improvement Fund Program

These bonds are issued to pay costs of capital facilities for mental health, drug additction and developmental disability purposes.  Issuing authority transferred from Ohio Public Facilities Commission to the Ohio Treasurer in September 2000.

Ohio Constitution, Article VIII, Section 2i

Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 154

Link to the Ohio Department of Mental Health

Link to the Department of Developmental Disabilities

Adult Correctional Building Fund Program

These bonds are issued to pay for the costs of building and maintaining the capital facilities for adult correctional facilities.  The bonds were previously issued by the Ohio Building Authority under Chapter 152 of the Ohio Revised Code. Issuing authority transferred from the Ohio Building Authority to the Ohio Treasurer in January 2012. 

Ohio Constitution, Article VIII, Section 2I

Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 154

Link to Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction

Juvenile Correctional Building Fund Program

These bonds are issued to pay for the costs of maintaining and building juvenile correctional facilities.  The bonds were previously issued by the Ohio Building Authority under Chapter 152 of the Ohio Revised Code. Issuing authority transferred from the Ohio Building Authority to the Ohio Treasurer in January 2012. 

Ohio Constitution, Article VIII, Section 2I

Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 154

Link to Department of Youth Services

Highway Safety Building Fund Program

These bonds are issued to finance the facility and building costs of highway safety facilities.  The bonds were previously issued by the Ohio Building Authority under Chapter 152 of the Ohio Revised Code. Issuing authority transferred from the Ohio Building Authority to the Ohio Treasurer in January 2012. 

Ohio Constitution, Article VIII, Section 2I

Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 154

Link to Ohio Department of Public Safety

Transportation Building Fund Program

These bonds are issued to finance capital facilities for use by the Ohio Department of Transportation.  

Ohio Constitution, Article VIII, Section 2i

Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 154

Link to Department of Transportation